Our last remaining youngster departed on the 26th July. The lone parent roosted in Box 3 that night and then also departed. The prospector/intruder did not return either. So that’s the end of our season, we look forward to seeing them again next year, hopefully!
Sunday 6 August 2023
Tuesday 25 July 2023
At last we had an interested prospector flying around the house yesterday and this morning and it actually entered Box 6 this morning and had a look around. Our three youngsters in Box 3 were still on the nest with the parent bird out for food. The prospector then entered their box whilst the parent was away and it briefly attacked the youngsters. Two of the youngsters then fledged - we saw the second one go at exactly 12.45. The parent then returned with food and a fight ensued, with the remaining youngster hiding away in the corner. At first we thought it was dead as it didn't move for a long time but it was just a bit traumatised and appears to be OK now. Here are some videos:
In the above video you can see the three youngsters in Box 3, and the newcomer having a look in Box 6.
In this second video you can see the one remaining youngster hiding away in the corner whilst the parent bird, the one with the full bolus, is fighting with the intruder. This went on for a few minutes, with both birds eventually exiting the box. The youngster appeared a bit traumatised but returned to the nest and at the time of writing, Tuesday late afternoon, is still there. We think it may be away tomorrow though. Hopefully the intruder will return and resume it's inspection of Box 6!
Friday 21 July 2023
Here's today's video of our three youngsters. They're nearly ready to leave. As you can see the parent bird comes in to feed and there’s a mad frenzy as they all gather round. It all happens very quickly, as the parent is raising the young on its own and needs to get out as soon as possible for more food. They're all pretty hungry!
Saturday 8 July 2023
Saturday 1 July 2023
Monday 26 June 2023
Saturday 24 June 2023
24th June.We definitely have three youngsters now and are able to see them, here is a video taken this morning whilst both parents were out finding food.
There are very few swifts being seen around here though, virtually none and certainly no prospectors around our boxes, so our pair are on their own!
Wednesday 21 June 2023
Sunday 18 June 2023
Monday 29 May 2023
Thursday 25 May 2023
We have an egg!
Good news, our pair in Box 3 laid an egg this morning. Looking forward to seeing some more over the next couple of days:
Thursday 18 May 2023
Thursday 11 May 2023
The first of our swifts finally arrived last night in Box 3, just one day late. Hopefully it's partner will turn up shortly or if not it'll find another one. Last year they managed to raise 3 young so we hope they'll have the same success this year. Maybe we'll get some takers for the other boxes, we still have four empty ones which were unused last year - it would be nice to think that perhaps we'll get the start of another colony at some stage! Here's our lone parent at the still in-situ nest from last year: