Friday 24 June 2022

 A short video taken this morning of our three young swifts. They're all doing well, their eyes are not quite open yet. Still no other swifts visiting any of our other nestboxes.

Monday 20 June 2022

Young swifts doing well

Our swift chicks are all doing well so far, there are definitely three there. Their eyes are not yet open but it shouldn't be long now before they are. The parents are attending to them well too so we hope that they will all survive to adulthood. Here is a short video taken today:

So far no other swifts have been doing flypasts or entering any of the other boxes.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

New Swifts

 Hooray, this morning our swift eggs hatched. We've been able to get a short glimpse and have seen only two of the young when the adults have been doing their changeover but hopefully the third one is there as well. So all looking good so far, they seem to have got it just right this year, so here's hoping that one of the adults doens't get nobbled by a hobby.

Saturday 4 June 2022

 A brief update, we still have the pair in Box 3 sitting on three eggs. Sadly though we haven't had any  visitors to any of the other nestboxes. Our pair seem very much out on their own here on the edge of the village and so far we haven't had any flypasts of other swifts from the neighbourhood...if there are any! Hopefully we might get some interest from a second wave of swifts -  if the weather brightens up a bit... which seems equally unlikely....